While there is a plethora of bearish news there may be opportunities for real-estate agents in the US (and elsewhere) to sell homes to Chinese looking to invest or live abroad (two links below about that). Figuring out the e-book market may have some opportunities still but that seem like a tough nut to crack (despite the big investments). Also, if you have experience in M&A perhaps you can figure out how to get some of the low performing steel SOEs to merge…
Thanks to James and Sinocism for several links:
- More Chinese cities likely to curb auto sales: industry group from Reuters
- Fatal Misperception: How Unsafe Is Chinese Food? from Council on Foreign Relations (even if the food is not treated with pesticides, the water supply likely does contain similar substances — it’s nearly a no-win situation here)
- Chinese E-Books Platform Gets $110 Million in Funding From Goldman Sachs and Temasek from Tech in Asia (mention them in Chapter 2)
- And the Newest Country to Court Rich Chinese Immigrants Is… from The Wall Street Journal (unsurprisingly it is greece)
- Advice for Small Fish in China’s Real Estate Market: Swim Fast from The Wall Street Journal
- Undetected river pollution sparks criticism from China Daily
- Liberal Peking University professor threatened with expulsion from South China Morning Post
- An inferno of unprofitability from The Economist (steel industry, mentioned in several chapters too)
- Foreign Capital Flows out of China on Expectations of End of QE from Caijing (will this lead to a drop in real estate prices?)
- Crucial Backing for ‘Bank’ of Alibaba from The Wall Street Journal
- In New Forecasts, Even China Bulls Slow to a Trot from The Wall Street Journal
- Air pollution cuts life expectancy by 5.5 years in China from CNN|Money (here is the actual study from PNAS)
- Chinese buyers flood U.S. housing market from CNN|Money (good deals for them, smart shoppers)
- China inflation picks up, limits room for policy easing from Reuters (looking at my grocery receipts it never seemed to stop…)
- Now on Taobao: Outsourced Care for Grandma from The Wall Street Journal (markets in everything)
- Car horns used 40 times more often in China than in Europe from South China Morning Post (very believable, my apmt is near a street and horns blare throughout the entire day)
- Why Nearly Half of Asiana Passengers Were Chinese from The Wall Street Journal (SOEs and heavy regulated flight routes)
- China’s Genetically Modified Food Fight from The Wall Street Journal (anti-sciencism run amok, if you don’t want to eat GMO, don’t eat it — but the burden of proof falls on those making the claim)