A number of stories from a variety of segments. Several are from Sinocism.
- Where Art Meets Luxury Shopping from The Wall Street Journal
- Capitalist Fantasy Tops China Box Office, Spurs Debate from The Wall Street Journal
- Chinese Enterprises Struggle Overseas from The Economic Observer
- Buyout Offer Brings China Into the Orbit of Club Med from The New York Times
- Mr. China Goes To San Francisco from TechCrunch
- CNNIC: China’s Smartphone Mobile Internet Users Reach 330 Mln from Marbridge Consulting
- Chinese tourists’ spending in the U.S. takes off from Los Angeles Times
- Beijing and Shanghai Ban Monetized Taxi-Finder Apps, But Free Ones are OK from Tech In Asia
- Special Report: Why China’s film makers love to hate Japan from Reuters
- The Ultimate Resume-Booster: Communist Party Membership from Tea Leaf Nation (very true, had some former students who had a much easier time getting a job and have already been promoted… guanxi)
- In China, ‘cancer villages’ a reality of life from CNN
- Mengniu becomes the first company to provide customer service via WeChat from Shanghaiist (they need all the help they can get)
- China’s Not Just Urbanizing — It’s ‘Townizing’ from Tea Leaf Nation
- Hooray for Chollywood from The Wall Street Journal