Stat of the day: internet speeds in China

As mentioned in Chapter 9, according to their Q3 2012 speed survey, ChinaCache, the largest domestic content delivery network (CDN), notes that while the overall speeds are a little slower than previous speed rankings, Shanghai currently leads the country in average speeds at roughly 3.44 Mb/s and Beijing is 10th at around 2.5 Mb/s.12 Akamai Technologies (a global  content delivery network provider) ranked China’s average internet-connection speed at 94th globally, at 1.6 Mb/s.3

Here is a new estimate from Qihoo 360 (in mb/s):


Via Tech In Asia

  1. ChinaCache Releases Third Quarter 2012 China Internet Connection Speed Rankings from China Web Report []
  2. For comparison, the average download bandwidth in the US is 11.6 Mb/s.  See International Broadband Data Report (Third) from the Federal Communications Commission []
  3. China’s ‘Wall’ Hits Business from The Wall Street JournalI []

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