Below are a list of mostly business-related links from the past two weeks (all about China). Thanks to Sarah M and Sinocism for a few of them. The number in (brackets) is the book chapter that more detailed information about the topic can be found.
- China’s Changing Tech Realm: An Insider’s Perspective from contextChina (Ch 12)
- China’s Children of the Damned from The Global Mail (Ch 18) dearth of ngo’s in this segment
- Shanghai readies to show off all things Bond, James Bond from The China Post (Ch 14)
- Outrage Online Over Rumored Threat to Beloved App from The Wall Street Journal (Ch 12) globally all telcos are facing similar dilemma of becoming a dumb pipe, laws will only protect anarchonistic business models
- China Entrepreneur Says Mainland Startups Must ‘Become Huge or Die’ from The Wall Street Journal (Ch 12, 13, 20)
- Air China launches 2nd direct flight between Beijing and New York from Xinhua (Ch 17)
- China’s Love Affair with Pork from Foreign Policy (Ch 3)
- Build It and They Will Come from The Economic Observer (Ch 17)
- The Continuing Evolution of “Starbucks with Chinese Characteristics” from contextChina (Ch 3 & 16)
- ‘Airpocalypse’ drives expats out of Beijing from Financial Times (Ch 18) population statistics seem to be conflicting, officially only 100-120k foreigners in Beijing, not 200k in the article
- Are China’s Colleges Too Easy? from The Economic Observer (Ch 9) the material is easy, the hours and learning style are not. social promotion rampant.
- Why China’s Wealthy Prefer Dry Land to Luxury Yachts from The Wall Street Journal (Ch 11)
- Chinese E-commerce Company Rebrands Internet Domain, Logo from China Tech News (Ch 7 & 12) i used the name 360buy in the book, now it is
- Cars, spas and singing stars: This is what a 5 million yuan wedding looks like from South China Morning Post (Ch 4)
- Eight Questions: Bill Callahan, ‘China Dreams’ from The Wall Street Journal (Ch 1)