In addition to reading Asia-related business I typically read through a number of online periodicals regarding science and technology topics. While this is a side hobby some readers may be interested in this segment as well. Feel free to send me stories as some of you have with China.
- 18 hours, $33K, and 156,314 cores: Amazon cloud HPC hits a “petaflop” from ArsTechnica (how long till you can lease an exaflop?)
- The Largest Snake in the World Has Invaded the United States from Slate (green anacondas)
- Anki’s iPhone-Driven Robot Cars from Xconomy (more than just a toy, looking at other consumer segments such as Roomba from iRobot)
- Ubiquity Eyes Turning Sears Auto Centers into Data Centers from Data Center Knowledge (what about physical security risks and weather-proofing the facilities?)
- Cassiopeia A: Exploring the Third Dimension of Cassiopeia A from Chandra X-ray Observatory
- New York City to Replace 250,000 Street Lights With LEDs by 2017 from Singularity Hub (remember Contact? wow, why would an advanced technological society still have so much misdirected, inefficient light pollution?)
- The Mystery of Moon Dust from The New Yorker
- Revealed: Secrets of the “dash-cam” meteorite that rocked Russia from ArsTechnica
- How big data is changing the cost of insurance from BBC (telematics would have lowered my insurance costs when I was younger — zero tickets/accidents.)
- One of the lesser-known disasters of the nuclear age from io9
- Robot used to round up cows is a hit with farmers from BBC (pretty slick, surprised cows are that easily pliable. wonder what all the border collie unions will do…)
- Google encourages devs and businesses to use white space with new Spectrum Database API from Engadget (took long enough to get approval, this could definitely help those in non-urban areas)
- Solar lasers, ocean power and volcanoes: unusual energy sources of the future from CNN
- Quantum memory ‘world record’ smashed from BBC
- DNA hint of European origin for dogs from BBC
- Prehistoric Atlantic Ocean Was Twice As Salty As Today from Discover Magazine
- DRM in Cars Will Drive Consumers Crazy from EFF (pretty unfortunate “feature”)
- Agricultural Robots from Robohub (it’s the category tag, some really interesting projects in the works and some even currently deployed)
- How to Launch Superfast Trips to Mars from (i’ll still pass for now)
- Almost Certain Chance of Catching Next Supernova from Science (lots of automated telescopes pointed at the sky 24/7 is bound to catch one in action)
- Scientists Using Supercomputers To Puzzle Out Dinosaur Movement from Slashdot (modeling movement of gigantic sauropods)
- Second Solar System Has Been Detected from Space Industry News (not quite, but has some similar characteristics)
- Why Is Everyone So Negative About Living to 120? from Slate (lots of unintentionally pro-aging people on the planet…)
- Our nearest stellar neighbor like you’ve never seen it before from io9 (proxima centauri pictures)
- Finding out whether we’re alone in the Universe from ArsTechnica (maybe don’t need to try, might be alone for now)
- Tar pits’ microfossils stir big interest from Page museum scientists from Los Angeles Times
- Astronauts point to next frontier: Stopping killer asteroids from NBCNews