A few stories from the past couple of days. The free-trade zone mania seems like a positive trend, here is hoping that the entire country is eventually turned into one free-trade zone instead of the hodge podge of a million fiefdoms. Thanks to Kevin S and Sinocism for some of the links.
- Alibaba Isn’t the Amazon of China from The Wall Street Journal (i think they’re is a lot of room for potential growth since everyone i know uses an alibaba-based site to buy stuff off here)
- Free-for-All Over China’s Free-Trade Zones from The Wall Street Journal (the easiest solution of course would be to make the entire country a free-trade zone…)
- Guangdong Eyes a Huge Free Trade Zone of Its Own from Caixin
- Tsinghua professor: Non locals should take tests to get Beijing residency from Offbeat China
- Hong Kong TV’s Dreams Dashed from The Wall Street Journal (cui bono, how much hongbao did it take the duopoly to get enough guanxi to prevent the new competition?)
- Ex-Maxwell Technologies Official Allegedly Bribed Chinese from Bloomberg
- First interprovince subway route opens from China Daily
- Visa rules for Chinese coming to the UK to be relaxed from BBC (took way to long to change these rules, lost lots of business the past few years because of it.)
- Chinese official sacked after receiving piggyback during visit to flood victims from South China Morning Post (was wearing designer shoes that he didnt want to scuff up, is the end of many jokes right now)
- China targets 8-trln-yuan health service sector from Xinhua (if healthcare socialism worked, it wouldnt need constant stimulus and reforms)
- Bondholders Seek to Force Suntech Into Bankruptcy in U.S. from The Wall Street Journal (it’s a shame that the anti-competitive tariffs were erected)