Thanks to Ben, Jeff, Koen, Cedric, Jon and others who sent in links.
- What are the chances for a new Bitcoin exchange? by Jeremy Liew (after FinCEN begins prosecution I think the chances of starting a brand new Mt. Gox-style exchange in the US will fall close to zero in the near to medium future. there may be ways to bootstrap an exchange service to existing banks, but it is hard to imagine any enterprise that will find the necessary capital to scale a new infrastructure in the US due to regulatory risks.)
- Bitcoin or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Crypto from Udemy (free MOOC)
- What equity markets can learn from bitcoin and ripple by JP Koning (ripple does not work the way he thinks it can, it doesn’t have a distributed order book and HFT is not the enemy.)
- What if all the bitcoin exchanges were shut down? by Max Keiser (they may be shut down, but i don’t see how one organization can conjure the “correct” price. all the Bitcoin Foundation would be doing in his mental exercise is arbitrarily defining a price, which is no different than say, planners trying to rationalize any kind of economic sector. i’m not sure he quite understands how prices arise and/or are continually ‘discovered’)
- Canada to tax Bitcoin transactions – TV from Russia Today (hard to see how this can be fully implemented, could probably be levied on merchants who exchange BTC/C$)
- The future of Bitcoin—according to BitInstant’s Charlie Shrem from The Daily Dot
- Amagi Metals – Largest Selection of Gold & Silver for Bitcoins from BTC talk (not endorsing this, just showing one alternative method)
- This Libertarian Presidential Hopeful Wants Your Bitcoin Donations from Mother Jones (how will the FEC react?)
- BitCoin, Or BetaCoin? What The Venture Capitalists Are Thinking from Zero Hedge
- Let’s Talk Bitcoin episode 2 (podcast about BTC, buttercoins mentioned too)
- Who Killed PayPal? by Radley Balko (an oldie but goodie, possible foreshadowing of what will happen to BTC and the big exchanges)
- Direct use value of Bitcoin by Oleg Andreev (see see also the value of cryptocurrencies)
- Of bubbles and Bitcoins by Hugo Price (I take it from his last few sentences that he is not a fan of communicating and talking on the internets, because it is not “real” or “material.”)
- Mish Interview with ‘Bitcoin Jesus’ by Mish Shedlock (don’t think he full understands BTC but still interesting interview)