Below are a list of mostly business-related links from the past week (all about China). Thanks to Bobbie Wu and Sinocism for a few of them. The number in (brackets) is the book chapter that more detailed information about the topic can be found.
- Shanghai targets Hong Kong art market with licence for Christie’s from South China Morning Post (Ch 11) wow, goodbye victoria bay, hello huangpu
- Christie’s Is Poised to Auction Art in China from The New York Times (Ch 11) Barboza still has a visa, that’s good (he wrote the Wen story that ended up getting NYT blocked)
- Catfight between Guo Meimei and Sports Car Club members revealed disturbing wealth gap in China. Chinese netizens shocked from Offbeat China (Ch 1) how has guo not be audited and sued by ngo stakeholders?
- Bubble Forming in Commercial Property Market, Expert Warns from Caixin (Ch 4 & 17)
- Railways Ministry Gone, Problems Remain from Caijing (Ch 17) $330 bil+ in debt
- Will China’s financial sector go boom? What about China’s government? from Foreign Policy (Ch 5) short term no.
- Cyberattacks Abound Yet Companies Tell SEC Losses Are Few from Bloomberg (Ch 13) potentially problematic though way too much cui bono
- Baby milk powder rationing introduced by supermarkets from The Guardian (Ch 3) concerned families buying in UK, exporting to China
- 10,000 Packages from Taobao Being Shipped to Taiwan Every Day from China Internet Watch (Ch 12) was walking from lunch today and saw that new competing delivery service on a scooter
- Moutai price collapsing due to government spending restrictions from Shanghaiist (Ch 11)
- In Hong Kong, a Sanctuary for Banned Books from The Atlantic (Ch 2)